What does the name Ephra mean?
The name Ephra is a tribute to Marion Ephraimson, born in September 1889 in Berlin as the child of Jewish fabric merchants. She is the great-grandmother of Rebecca Raue. In search of a name for the projects, which had been thought of for a long time, Rebecca came across her long-dead relative in meditations. Marion was a mother and grandmother and had been interested in art all her life. Her surname Ephraimson is derived from Ephraim (Hebrew ֶא ְפ ַריִם efrájim) - meaning "fruitful on both sides". The word "ephra" thus describes exactly the vision Rebecca and Michaela had for the projects: The field of childhood and the field of art are both cultivated and made fruitful for the future by art connections.
Ephra is Children. Future. Art.